Keywords: recent history, memory, event, witness, pedagogical demand, bibliography, biographistics, index, Sukhomlynskyi studies


The aim of the article is to analyze the materials of the bibliographic index «International and All- Ukrainian Pedagogical Readings ‘Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi in Dialogue with Modernity’» (1993–2023), which reflect publications dedicated to the biography of the educator, his creative legacy, prepared by domestic and foreign authors. The research methodology involves the concepts of «history of the present» or «history of the recent past,» developed and widely used by foreign (German and French) researchers. These concepts operate with notions such as event, witness, memory, and social demand, which are considered as a matrix, the basis, and the tool of the investigation. The bibliographic method, as well as classification and systematization methods, were also applied. The study revealed that the pedagogical readings «Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi in Dialogue with Modernity» (1993–2023) were not a singular phenomenon but reflected general pedagogical trends during the period of Ukraine’s declaration of independence (1991). These trends included overall democratization, liberalization, and differentiation of social processes, which rejected Soviet ideological clichés and patterns and drew the attention of educators to the development of personalityoriented public organizations, including the All-Ukrainian Association of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi, around which various activities, especially publications, were concentrated. It was found that a total of 30 readings were prepared and published, focusing on various aspects of V. Sukhomlynskyi’s creative legacy, containing 3120 annotations. In the article, each element of the proposed matrix of recent history – event, witness, memory, pedagogical demand – was analyzed and specified through the disclosure of the content of the publication material presented in the bibliographic index. The application of systematic, comparative, and classification approaches allowed the isolation and analysis of scientific, popularization, and methodological components, as well as the identification of regional features in the materials of pedagogical readings. General conclusion: the pedagogical readings, marking their thirtieth anniversary in 2023, provided an opportunity for a multiaspect study of the present through the recent past, initiating and promoting the development of Sukhomlynskyi studies as a separate direction in recent history by reintegrating the contemporary with the past. They became part of the history of national pedagogy, as well as educational source study and pedagogical biographistics. Their distinctiveness and specificity lay in the connection with the current needs and problems faced not only by pedagogical theory but, importantly, by school practice throughout the association’s 30 years of activity.


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