Keywords: motivation, electronic educational resources, educational environment, distance and blended learning


The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the relationship between the educational motivation of students of higher education and their attitude to the use of electronic educational resources (EER), to substantiate the requirements for the construction of electronic educational resources as a means of increasing such motivation. Methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic, empirical research methods: observation; poll; testing; statistical processing of results. The generalization of research on learning motivation and electronic educational resources by specialists in various fields (psychology, pedagogy, computer science) involves a multidisciplinary approach. The results. The article analyzes various approaches to the study of motivation, provides the structure of electronic educational resources of the university. In order to check the attitude towards electronic educational resources, a survey of students of the Faculty of Pedagogy was organized. Along with this, the answers of the respondents regarding the problems of using EOR were analyzed; the effectiveness of digital tools as a means of increasing their educational motivation; prospects of taking into account the motivational factor when designing a digital educational environment. The results of the survey proved that an effective educational environment with high-quality electronic educational resources can reduce the negative impact on student motivation associated with the lack of face-to-face communication with the teacher and fellow students, a high level of distraction, self-organization problems, lack of direct educational influence, etc. The analysis and generalization of the conducted diagnostics allow us to outline the main directions of solving the problem, namely: creating a balance between the use of electronic resources and other forms of education; creating opportunities for group interaction; creation of structured educational content; development of a system of effective tasks; effective feedback. Conclusions. The use of electronic educational resources, which increase the efficiency of the educational process, has a special didactic potential and practical significance for increasing the motivation of students to receive quality education. And the design and implementation of EOR, as a component of the educational environment, requires not only scientific justification, but also the technical capabilities of the university and a high level of formation of digital competences of teachers.


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