This article examines the significance and effectiveness of using folklore to enhance students’ culturalcompetence and improve the effectiveness of teaching Ukrainian language. The author analyzes the possibilitiesof integrating folklore into the educational process using modern information and communication technologies.The aim of this research is to determine the importance and effectiveness of using folklore to enhance students’cultural competence and improve the effectiveness of teaching Ukrainian language.The research methods employed in this work include analysis of literary sources, empirical studies,and review of the content of Ukrainian language lessons using folklore materials. Analysis of literary sourcesallowed gathering theoretical information about the role of folklore in the educational process and methods of its use. Review of the content of Ukrainian language lessons helped identify specific folklore elements thatcan be used to enhance teaching effectiveness.The research findings confirm that using folklore in Ukrainian language lessons contributes to a deeperunderstanding of cultural values, traditions, and identity of the Ukrainian people. Folklore helps studentsdevelop language skills, expand vocabulary, and study language structures. The results indicate the necessityfor further development and improvement of pedagogical approaches to using folklore in Ukrainian languagelessons to enhance the quality of education and foster cultural and linguistic competence in students.The study also points out the need for the development and implementation of pedagogical approachesand methods based on the use of folklore in Ukrainian language lessons. The research opens up broad prospectsfor further scientific research in this direction, including the effectiveness of various methods and pedagogicalapproaches. Thus, the conclusions of the study emphasize the importance and effectiveness of using folklorein Ukrainian language lessons, as well as the need for further development and improvement of pedagogicalapproaches in this direction.
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