The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the potential of the acmeological approach inthe formation of professional image of future educators at preschool educational institutions. To realize thisgoal and clarify the essence of scientific definitions of the research, we have used such theoretical methodsas systematic and structural analysis and systematization of philosophical, psychological and pedagogicalworks. Results. The author of the article has considered the most relevant interpretations of the conceptsof «image», «professional image» and «professional image of an educator of preschool educational institution»by national scientists. The image of a teacher has been considered through the prism of the phenomenon of pedagogical skill and the structural components that have a significant impact on its formation. The essenceof the acmeological approach has been substantiated. It has been emphasized that the acmeological approachinvolves: a holistic study of a person in the educational environment – as a personality, individuality and subjectof life; creation of pedagogical conditions for motivating success, actualization of the need for achievement,the desire for high results, creativity; organization of creative activity; assessment of the quality of educationfrom the standpoint of self-development and self-improvement of the teacher and student; professionalismas the highest level of practical realization of the essential forces of a person in his or her own professionalactivity, etc. Conclusions. The professional image of an educator is a specially created visual and auditoryimage that allows you to show the best personal and business qualities. The characteristics of the professionalimage of future specialists at preschool educational institutions have been defined as professional competence,pedagogical skills, reflection, improvisation and communication. The acmeological approach has a significantpotential in the formation of professional image, because the conditions under which this process is effectiveare: availability of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and relevant personal and business qualities,readiness to carry out creative professional activities in the conditions of preschool educational institutions,mastery of self-presentation technology, focus on continuous self-development and self-improvement.
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