Keywords: STEM tools, modeling, interactive methods, chemical simulation, case methods, innovative approach, educational process, STEM hackathon, interdisciplinary approach, critical thinking development, chemistry education


The article examines an essential aspect of enhancing the chemistry learning process through the integrationof STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approaches. The aim of this scientific researchis to improve the quality of chemistry education by integrating STEM approaches and identifying optimal strategies to enhance the efficiency of educational methods. Key issues in contemporary chemistry teachingmethods are considered, highlighting the transition to a teaching methodology using an innovative approach thatcombines principles of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The primary focus is placedon the active utilization of STEM approaches, with a specific emphasis on the concept of chemical exploration.The research is conducted with the goal of optimizing teaching methods to enrich chemical education. To achievea more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of STEM approaches, the followingmethods are applied: literature analysis, empirical research, surveys and questionnaires, observations, groupdiscussions, and statistical analysis. Tools for evaluating the implementation of STEM approaches in the studyof chemical disciplines are developed. STEM approaches are discussed as an innovative positive trend ineducation. The application of specific STEM tools to support STEM approaches in chemical education isconsidered. The importance of integrating STEM approaches to enhance chemistry education is highlighted.A methodology for chemical exploration is proposed, where «chemical exploration» plays a key role in ourstudy as the exploration of chemistry using innovative methods and STEM approaches. To simulate chemicalprocesses and experiments on a computer, simulation technology is proposed for use. Examples of simulationmodels used in the educational process are provided. For active learning, pedagogical strategies such as casemethods are suggested. The benefits of integrating STEM approaches to improve students’ understandingof the material and the development of critical thinking skills are argued. The «expert assessment» methodologyis employed, parallel with the use of the «3,2,1» approach in the form of a STEM hackathon. Participationin an innovative educational process has allowed students to enrich their experience, develop practical skills,and apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Overall, the work emphasizes the need to improve approaches toteaching chemistry to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world and job market.


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