• H.S. Milchevska
  • L.Ye. Yeromina
Keywords: interactive methods, spiritual and moral education, pupils’ youth.


The article deals with one of the actual problems of the present, which is focused on the spiritual and moral upbringing of pupils’ youth. The content of the key issues of the subject is disclosed in the materials and the classification of interactive methods is presented. The publication presents examples of the use of interactive methods, their features and their respective influence on the consciousness of students. It is also noted that interactive methods are similar in functionality, but have differences in the internal way of building a knowledge base that can influence the spiritual and moral upbringing of student youth. Scientists emphasize that the wide variety of interactive methods makes it difficult to compare them and choose according to their use in educational work. The key emphasis of the article is that, in the context of spiritual and moral education, making decisions about the importance of certain methods will depend on the specific audience and specific tasks.


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