Keywords: young children, preschool teachers, game, game activity, professional approach to using games, creating a game environment


Abstract. The article highlights the role of playing games in the development of young children as an important scientific problem in the field of preschool education. Attention is focused on the importance of a professional approach and high professional competence of teachers to the use of games in preschool educational establishments. Various forms, methods and means of creating playing activities in early age groups are described in accordance with the requirements of the Basic component of preschool education. Revealing the relevance of the mentioned scientific problem, it is emphasized that recently, in the system of preschool education, there has been a steady trend in the dominance of the priority of educational activities, and at the same time, in showing insufficient attention to the development of children in the process of playing games. Attention is focused on the fact that the teacher has difficulties in selecting educational game material. This is due to the educator’s unwillingness to design a modern subject-game environment in the educational space of the preschool educational establishment. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the pedagogical significance of game activities of young children in preschool educational establishments. Among the research methods, a scientific analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources, priority documents of the Ukrainian state educational policy is presented, where various problems related to the organization of the educational process and the development of young children in preschool educational establishments are outlined, the role of playful interaction is revealed, as well as empirical research and observation of game activities of children in early age groups. A detailed analysis of the works of various scientists made it possible to show the important role of game activities in the development of young children and prove its pedagogical significance. Findings of the results proved the need for further development and improvement of pedagogical approaches to the use of games to make the educational environment in preschool educational establishments advanced. Highlighting the major role of game activity in the process of organizing the educational environment in early age groups, it is emphasized that an important pedagogical condition is conducting game classes aimed at specific types of activities, in particular, plot construction, during which children can acquire skills of transferring one way of acting on other situations or objects. The main advantage of the game is revealed, which is that the child’s personality is formed in it. So, the conclusions emphasize that the game is a need of the child’s body, which is actively developing at this age stage and needs a lot of attention from teachers. Therefore, the creation of a playing environment in the educational space of preschool educational establishments is the main condition for the successful development of young children.


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