Keywords: digital gamification, professional training, future specialists in hotel and restaurant business, higher educational establishments


The purpose of the study is to analyze features of the use of digital gamification in professional trainingof future specialists in hotel and restaurant business. To achieve this goal, the article uses theoretical methods:theoretical analysis of scientific sources in order to determine state, place and role of gamification ineducational process; terminological method is used to clarify semantic field of the main definitions of the study;systematization and classification of empirical information on use of digital gamification; methods of comparativeanalysis, interpretation and generalization of facts. Results. Results of modern psychological and pedagogicalscience on use of digital gamification in educational and scientific activities in educational establishments areinvestigated. Analysis of definitions of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of the specified research, namely“gamification,” “digital gamification,” “mobile applications,” “simulation game” is carried out. Possibilities of using digital gamification in educational process during training of applicants for education are considered.Mobile applications for training future specialists in hotel and restaurant business are characterized due totheir content, characteristic features and opportunities. Technology of gamification is investigated througha combination of individual elements: plot, definition of roles, collaboration, rules, epic meaning, virtuality.Process of integration of gamification into educational process through accumulation of stages is considered.Importance of gamification for professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant industry isproven to be connected with a number of advantages of using this technology. Conclusions. Necessity of usingdigital gamification in professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business is confirmed.Role of integration of digital gamification in professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurantbusiness is proven to significantly improve the quality of education, increase student motivation and preparethem for t real conditions of future professional activity.


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