The development of grammatical competence is an integral part of foreign language training and isfundamental in professional activities. Intercultural communication skills are of great importance for graduatesin specialty 015.39. «Vocational education. Digital Technologies» are intercultural communication skillsto avoid misunderstandings in the context of perception and exchange of information of social-culturalsignificance. The purpose of paper is to determine the features of the formation of grammatical competencein the process of educational training of future digital specialists. The article analyzes the use of discussionand simulation methods in the course of studying the discipline English (for Specific Purposes). Examplesof the application of these methods in the context of communicative approach are given, where the focus ison the use of the language in professionally oriented situations, which promotes more effective involvementof students in the process of forming grammatical skills. The article considers the use of interactive platforms in students’ independent work and presents practical tasks that have been used to develop students’ grammaticalskills. The study also examines the role of modern technologies that provide students with additional resourcesfor developing practical grammar skills and individual work. It is noted that an individual approach to eachstudent and the creation of a comfortable online educational environment contribute to the effective formationof grammatical competence. The advantages of using of online educational environment are presented, inparticular the possibility of individualization of learning, availability, development of digital skills, whichhelps to improve the opportunities for all participants. According to the author, through online tools, the teacherhas the opportunity to create personalized tasks that consider the individual needs and interest of students,which increases their motivation and promotes better learning of grammatical material. It is emphasizedthat innovative and interactive methods in the context of professional oriented content facilitate the effectiveformation of the studied concept.
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