Keywords: teacher of labor training and technologies, technical training, resistance of materials, stretching, strength, stiffness


The purpose of the article is to determine the content and features of the study of patterns and variationsin the calculation of machine parts and elements of tensile structures during the training of labor educationand technology teachers.Methodology and methods. The methodological basis of the conducted research is based on the applicationof a systematic approach to the analysis of the educational process of training teachers in labor trainingand technology. At the same time, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, and generalizationwere used. Results. The article is devoted to the issues of training teachers in labor education and technology. Thepeculiarities of its technical component are analyzed, in particular the study of various types of materialresistance. Examples of the practical use of machine parts and structural elements that work on stretching aregiven. The regularities of the calculation of machine parts and elements of tensile structures are considered.The difference in the final results of such calculations depending on various parameters (geometric dimensions,temperature) is shown.Conclusions. The main integral components (stages) that should be considered in the process of familiarizingfuture teachers of labor education and technology with various types of equipment are defined. Among suchcomponents (stages) is the study of the principles of operation, design, manufacture, and use (operation)of equipment. The importance of studying stretching as an important component of the technical trainingof labor education and technology teachers is shown. At the same time, the main attention should be paidto the calculation of strength, as a characteristic that actually determines the reliability of parts, structuralelements, or the machine as a whole. The strength condition should be taken as a basis, which will befurther transformed into three main calculation algorithms. Among such calculations are design (used whencreating new equipment), verification (applied to check the condition of strength when using existing parts),and determination of the maximum load (occurs in cases when the working conditions are not known withcertainty and may change). The expediency of familiarizing future teachers of labor education and technologywith the basics of stiffness calculation has been established. The importance of the formation of relevant skillsin the use of reference literature for higher education applicants is shown.


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