Keywords: adventure education, outdoor adventure education, experiential education, professional training of students, professional training of social workers


The article analyzes the possibilities of adventure education implementation into the professional training of futuresocial workers. The presented results were obtained during the first phase of the ongoing scientific investigationin the specified direction. Research methodology was based on the so-called «desk research» approach.A concise terminological clarification regarding the basic concepts crucial to the study is provided, inparticular, the essence and the interrelations between experiential education, adventure education and outdooradventure education are defined. The author’s definition of adventure education is given. The typicalcharacteristics of adventure education activities are determined. It is established that activity and reflection arethe key elements of adventure education methodology.Based on the analysis of contemporary scientific publications, it is justified that the application of adventureeducation opens up significant prospects in work with young adults. It is established that in the USA and Great Britain, adventure education is often interpreted as a separate profession, which led to the introductionof correspondent educational programs in higher education institutions.As indicated by the results of foreign studies on the application of adventure education elements inthe professional training of social workers, the effectiveness of such activities is justified. It is found outthat some American universities offer courses on adventure education for future social work practitionersat Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. The existence of the dual education program on social work and outdooreducation is confirmed.Potential ways of implementing adventure education into the professional training of future social workersare outlined, namely: the use of adventure education programs in extracurricular activities, the use of adventureeducation elements within the scope of some general courses, the introduction of the separate «Adventureeducation» course for social work students at Bachelor’s or Master’s level.


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