Keywords: family, family pedagogy, family education, pedagogical education of parents, work of family and school together.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the scientific and pedagogical works of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Yevhen Petukhov on family education. The article describes works devoted to the problem of pedagogical education of parents in the 1970s–1980s of the 20th century in Ukraine, in particular in the Kherson region. To achieve the goal, the following modern scientific approaches were applied: synergetic, regional, pedagogical hermeneutics and methods: analysis of scientific, scientific and methodological literature, demonstrating the features of raising children in the family in the second half of the 20th century; study of the works of Yevgen Petukhov, which substantiates the theoretical principles and practice of implementing family education, in particular, the system of pedagogical education of parents in various forms and places of its implementation; analysis of materials from the Department of Pedagogy of the Kherson Pedagogical Institute in the 70s-80s of the 20th century on the scientific and methodological, organizational and pedagogical support of the system of pedagogical education of parents; historical and comparative methods, systematization, etc. According to the results of the study: 1) it was established that in the scientific and scientific-methodical works of the scientist, the leading place was occupied by the issues of the place and role of the family in raising children; issues of joint work of the family, school, public, enterprise, teachers of the pedagogical institute; pedagogical education according to the model – different from the one that existed, in particular, its organization not just at school, but directly at the enterprise; issues of training future teachers to work with parents; 2) it was shown that the issues of organizing pedagogical education of parents in the structure of family education are considered comprehensively, systematically, consistently, through the contemporary family policy in the country; 3) it was substantiated that the department staff under the leadership of Yevgen Petukhov developed clear, scientifically balanced management support, information materials on topical issues of pedagogy and psychology to help the organizers of pedagogical education of parents, and constant training of lecturers was carried out; 4) it is proven that the legacy of Yevgen Petukhov is an important component of family pedagogy, which clearly emphasizes the importance of parental pedagogical education and that it was, is and will be mandatory in the structure of family education. Conclusions. Scientific research has shown that the multifaceted heritage of Yevgen Petukhov considers important issues of socialization of children and young people and this is actuality today. In his works, the scientist raised many important issues of education, in particular, family education, focusing on the pedagogical education of parents. In his research, he substantiated its theoretical principles and ways of practical implementation.


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