Keywords: interactive whiteboards, innovative technologies, New Ukrainian School, methodological approaches, interactive environment.


The article is devoted to the study of methodological aspects of using interactive whiteboards in English language lessons. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate methodological approaches to the effective use of interactive whiteboards in English language teaching. These approaches aim to enhance the assimilation of educational material, develop students’ key language competencies, and increase motivation for learning. A combination of theoretical and empirical research methods was employed to achieve this objective. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature revealed key approaches to applying interactive technologies in the educational process. Empirical methods, including classroom observations and surveys of teachers and students, provided insights into the practical effectiveness of interactive whiteboards. The generalization method facilitated the formulation of recommendations for improving teaching methodologies. Results. The study confirmed that interactive whiteboards contribute to enhancing student motivation, activating their cognitive activity, and improving communicative skills. The use of multimedia resources, interactive exercises, and game elements in English language lessons significantly boosts the effectiveness of material acquisition. The article also examines key challenges associated with integrating interactive technologies, particularly the need to prepare educators for working with modern equipment and to develop suitable teaching materials. The conclusions substantiate the effectiveness of using interactive whiteboards in English language teaching within the framework of the New Ukrainian School (NUS). Interactive whiteboards foster students’ cognitive activity, improve the perception and retention of educational material, and develop essential 21st-century competencies. However, to maximize their effectiveness, it is necessary to ensure adequate technical support, enhance teachers’ digital literacy, and adapt curricula to the capabilities of interactive equipment. The study’s findings affirm the appropriateness of integrating interactive technologies into the educational process and provide recommendations for their effective implementation.


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