Keywords: methodology, Ukrainian revolution, Ukrainian Central Rada, teaching, students, teachers.


In the article, the author analyses the peculiarities of the methodology of teaching the topic «Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921» in history lessons. The presentation of the topic «Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921» in history lessons is extremely important in the modern educational process, especially in the context of current events related to the Russian-Ukrainian war. After all, this period of history serves as an example of the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their independence and sovereignty. Teaching this topic fosters patriotism, national consciousness and love for the native land, instilling in students a sense of responsibility for the fate of their country. Historical education is currently undergoing a transformation, so there is a need to abandon old approaches, which were often based on myths and Soviet narratives, and create new ones. It is important to study the Ukrainian Revolution as one of the state-building aspects. Teaching the topic «Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921» at school requires an interactive approach that will help students not only understand the chronology of events but also understand their causes, consequences and significance. The study is aimed at improving the methodology of teaching the topic «Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921». The author applies the principle of systematicity, which is implemented using general scientific methods. The author analyses the programmes on the history of Ukraine and the integrated course on history, methodological recommendations, etc. in order to reflect in detail the specifics of studying the topic «Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921» in history lessons. Examples of own exercises for studying the «Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921» and expanding the context of the methodology of teaching the proposed topic are given. In order to understand the peculiarities of teaching the events of the Ukrainian Revolution, the author focuses on a detailed analysis of historical sources for a better understanding of the complex struggle of the Ukrainian nation for independence in the context of the Ukrainian Revolution during 1917–1921. The final part of the article summarises the importance of developing logical, critical, historical thinking, as well as diversifying tasks for students. The importance of the revolution as a struggle for statehood, which laid the foundation for Ukraine’s future independence, is also important.


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