The purpose of the article is to analyze modern approaches to the use of artificial intelligence in the organization of personalized training, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in the educational process. Methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific publications, generalization of approaches to the use of artificial intelligence for personalization of students’ training, empirical methods: questionnaires, observations, testing. Results. The analysis and generalization of various approaches to defining the phenomenon of «personalized learning» proved that in modern conditions of total digitization of all spheres of social life, artificial intelligence applications can become a powerful tool for providing such learning. In the work, a survey of primary school teachers was conducted regarding the prospects and challenges of using applications based on artificial intelligence in their professional activities. The results of such a survey proved that, to a greater extent, participants do not associate personalized learning with artificial intelligence technologies; familiarized with individual applications that function on the basis of AI; partially familiar with tools for analyzing student progress; completely unfamiliar with AI-enabled learning management systems (LMS). At the same time, 90% of survey participants consider the outlined problem to be urgent. The article provides examples of some platforms offered to respondents, which function on the basis of artificial intelligence and allow for personalization of training. Using them, the teacher can save time on routine tasks; generate new ideas; improve the visual design of your lessons; add more interactivity to training programs.
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