Objective. The aim of this article is to present the features and specifics of the assessment-result component of the system for preparing future Doctors of Philosophy for the implementation of academic integrity ideas during their professional training. Methods. The research is based on a systematic, competency-based, and axiological approach. Research methods include analysis and synthesis to study the literature and normative-legal acts, modeling to develop the structure of the component, and classification and systematization to organize knowledge about its implementation. Results. The system for preparing future Doctors of Philosophy for the implementation of academic integrity consists of motivational-target, subject-subject, content, environmental, technological, and assessmentresult components, which interact with each other and the social environment, contributing to the formation of a culture of academic integrity. The assessment-result component includes criteria and levels of academic integrity formation that determine the readiness of postgraduate students to adhere to its principles. Among the main criteria for evaluation are motivational-value, creative-operational, and reflective, as well as stages of readiness for research-innovative activities. Key indicators of academic integrity have been identified, including proper citation, objective evaluation, adherence to copyright, and consideration of the special needs of students. Conclusions. To assess the level of academic integrity formation in future Doctors of Philosophy, it is proposed to use criteria with corresponding levels of formation: motivational-value, ethnocognitive, creativeoperational, and reflective. Each of these criteria includes indicators that evaluate the level of awareness of integrity norms, the ability to independently apply principles, and analyze one’s own activities. The levels of formation are assessed in three degrees: low (adaptive), medium (reproductive), and high (creative), reflecting different levels of awareness, initiative, and ability for self-improvement in the field of academic integrity.
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