Purpose. The article aims to analyze innovative pedagogical approaches to training specialists in hospitality in the context of the digitalization of education and to develop recommendations for their effective implementation in the educational process. Methods. The study used a theoretical analysis of scientific literature and sources on the topic, a content analysis of articles and publications dedicated to the digitalization of education and innovative pedagogical approaches, a comparative analysis of traditional and innovative teaching methods in the field of hospitality, and a synthesis of the information obtained to form conclusions and recommendations. Results. The study’s findings underscore the critical role of digital competence in training modern specialists in hospitality. Innovative pedagogical approaches, such as the flipped classroom model, the integration of information and communication technologies into the educational process, and hospitality pedagogy, are shown to significantly enhance the quality of education and the development of necessary competencies in students. The study also highlights the need to develop conceptual provisions of digital pedagogy and didactics that consider the peculiarities of learning in a digital environment. The competency-based approach in professional education and its relevance for the hospitality sector are thoroughly analyzed. The study identifies challenges and barriers to implementing innovative approaches, and discusses the impact of digitalization on the hospitality sector and educational requirements. Conclusions. The study concludes that innovative pedagogical approaches are essential for training competitive specialists in the hospitality sector in the context of the digitalization of education. The implementation of these approaches significantly improves the quality of education, the development of digital competence, and students’ professional skills. The study also underscores the importance of developing digital pedagogy and didactics, and the need to overcome challenges in implementing innovations. However, the study also highlights the need for further research in this field, as the digitalization of education and the hospitality sector continue to evolve, and new challenges and opportunities emerge.
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