The development of higher education in today’s conditions is closely related to artificial intelligence. Today, its influence is so global that there is no doubt about the rationality and necessity of its implementation at all levels of education. The purpose of the article is to determine the role and significance of using artificial intelligence, in particular the GPT chat, in the process of learning English in institutions of higher education in the discipline of «Local Studies». To achieve the goal, such research methods were used as comparative and systematic analysis of scientific sources on this issue, synthesis and generalization, analysis of existing approaches to the use of artificial intelligence in English classes, as well as a description of the previous stages of the experiment. Results. The article raises the question of the effectiveness of the use of artificial intelligence in the educational practice of students of higher education. Various approaches to defining the concept of artificial intelligence are presented. In particular, the ascertainment phase of the experiment was organized and conducted and its results were summarized. The data of the conducted experiment indicate that the use of GPT chat contributes to a deeper and more effective consolidation of foreign language material and activates the self-development of participants in the educational process. In addition, this approach to learning allows you to more effectively solve a number of didactic tasks, in particular, to form and improve the skills of formulating questions; to increase the vocabulary, both active and passive, with the vocabulary of modern English; to form a stable motivation of students for foreign language activity. The results of the study concluded: today we are observing an important focus of artificial intelligence development and application in the field of education. This is the result of the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies, which open up a wide range of diverse opportunities for individuals in various types of activities. In particular, the use of GPT chat in the process of mastering the content of the discipline «Local Studies» has shown significant effectiveness in learning English.
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