• Ya.A. Klimenko
Keywords: Esperanto, Esperanto movement, Esperanto education Esperanto courses, clubs, lectures, reports, consultations, educational and educational activities of Esperanto


The article deals with the history of establishment and development of Esperanto education in Ukraine in the 20’s – early 30-ies of XX century. One of the main directions of domestic traffic in Esperanto 20’s – early 30-ies of XX century – education and educational activities among different population groups. At some stages of the studied phenomenon purpose of education and outreach Esperanto depending on the socio-political situ- ation has changed – from popularization of Esperanto in the early stages (pre-Soviet period) to the practical use of Esperanto as a means of “class struggle” and international communication. The author found that despite the key focus of the Esperanto movement in this or that period of education and educational activities organ- ized mainly through various organizational forms: Esperanto courses, clubs, lectures, reports, consultations, schools, colleges, universities and other forms of teaching. The study does not cover all aspects of the problem.
Require further study social and educational principles of the Esperanto movement as a socio-cultural, phe- nomenon of the past and present.


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