• O.V. Sukhomlinska
Keywords: school, future, project, teacher, childhood, knowledge, lessons of thinking, nature, beauty, word culture


The article analyzes the Vasyl Sukhomlinsky’s vision of future school through the prism of pressing issues of reforming the modern Ukrainian school and the view of scientists from different countries on the phenomena under consideration. The author’s thoughts about the role and significance in the future of such components of the school as a child (student), a teacher, the content of education and upbringing, and the environment are highlighted. The article shows that the legacy of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky, whose centenary anniversary was celebrated in 2018, does not lose its relevance, his work became the subject of attention of both researchers and practitioners. The ideas of the prominent Ukrainian educator are especially important because of the statement and argumentation of the developed concept of the New Ukrainian school and the implementation of the first steps of its implementation. Sukhomlynsky’s heritage provides an opportunity not only for a new reading of the past, but also for tracking
how utopia becomes a project. In a generalized form, the teacher presented his thoughts on the school of future education in an essay entitled “How I Imagine School of the Future” (1968), which was written by the order of the “Children’s Literature” magazine (Moscow). It is shown that the vision of Sukhomlinsky school of the future is based on his daily work at the school as a leader, as a teacher, as a tutor, for he creatively and initially approached the solution of educational issues, subjecting them to scientific analysis and synthesis, deep comprehension. Elements and components of the school of the future, he purposefully and consistently developed in his Pavlysh school. It is about the School under the blue sky, the lessons of thinking in nature, the philosophy for children, which was aimed
at awakening thought, thinking, speech, figurative perception of the world. The article states that Sukhomlynsky
largely foresaw directions for the development of the school as one of the main social institutions.


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