• A.V. Boiarska-Khomenko
Keywords: adult learning, lifelong education, formal adult education, non-formal adult education, informal adult education, Austrian


In the article, the analysis of the development of adult education in the scientific and pedagogical thought of Austria is carried out. The main aspects of theoretical studies in adult education are certain. The directions of empirical research are described. The comparative aspects in Austrian pedagogical literature are characterized. Approaches to the understanding of adult education in various scientific and pedagogical sources are defined. Subjects and objects for adult education in Austrian pedagogical literature are defined. The purpose and objectives of adult education in Austria are defined. Views on the understanding of formal, nonformal and informal education in Austrian pedagogical literature are uncovered. Leading pedagogical studies in adult education are described: the study of Hildesheim (1954), the study of Gettingen (1958–1960), the Oldenburg study (1971–1973). The article states: adult education in the second half of the twentieth century has become part of the concept of education throughout life. The orthogonal views on social change in the Austrian society are uncovered. Reasons that encourage adults to learn are uncovered. The participation of adults in formal, nonformal and informal education depends on age, sex, educational status, citizenship, professional status and social background. The reasons for the unwillingness of adults to study are defined: biographical reasons,
institutional and social barriers.


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