• O.V. Dzhus
Keywords: Ukrainian students, student organizations (communities, societies), Ukrainian emigration (immigration, diaspora), high schools, bursa, institutes, universities, intelligentsia, content, methods, forms of professional (professional) training, national and civic education


The origins of the Ukrainian student movement and ways of its development beyond the borders of Ukraine in the first decades of the twentieth century are highlighted in the article. The analysis of the historical, ped- agogical and vocational component of the activity of Ukrainian students in the Western diaspora in the first decades of the 20th century was examined, and the positive achievements of the Ukrainian student organiza- tions of the Western countries of the first third of the 20th century were identified, analyzed and summarized. in the field of professional training and education of youth for the use of positive elements of this work in the modern educational practice of high schools of Ukraine. In the period of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the leading center for the student movement was Vienna, where in January 1868 a student association Sich emerged. Similar student associations functioned in Krakow, Graz, Pribram, Prague. Famous participants in different periods were I. Franko, S. Dnistryanskiy, L. Vojevid- ka, V. Stefanyk, I. Gorbachevsky, I.Puliui. In the Sub-Russian territory, the manifestations of the organization of Ukrainian student youth are traced at the end of the nineteenth century in the establishments of higher educational establishments in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is marked by attempts by young people to participate in the life of Ukrainian communities in North America and Canada. In 1910, a youth association Zaporizhzhya Sich appeared in Winnipeg (later on-Ontario). At the beginning of the 1920’s, there is the formation of public organizations of Ukrainian students in the United States: the Ukrainian Academic Community in Philadelphia, the Ukrainian Youth Association in Boston and New York, the Ukrainian Student Community in Chicago, and others. But the most distinctive features of the Ukrainian student life of the 20th and 30th years of the twentieth century. and changes in the programs of their organizational and educational work are outlined in the academic centers of Central and Western Europe. The content, methods, forms and means of activities of associations of Ukrainian students of the masses of Ukrainian emigrants from the formation of professional competencies, the preservation of national identity, the
approval of the civic values of future specialists is devoted a great attention. It is paid a great attention to the role of professional development and education of students of well-known and unknown representatives of the
Ukrainian diaspora of the first third of the twentieth century


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