This article sets the task of considering the main methodological approaches to the projecting of educational process for the training of future specialists in the electrical engineering. As a result of the research of scientific and pedagogical literature, a number of methodological and pedagogical approaches of the theoretical level are identified, namely: systemic, competence, activity, terminology, information, modeling.
In particular, the systemic approach for the development of a model system for designing educational process for the training of future specialists in electrical specialties; the competence approach with the aim of students’ mas- tering the integral competencies, envisaging the ability of future specialists to solve complex specialized tasks and problems in the field of electric power engineering; the terminological approach is aimed at creating a system for designing an educational process for the training of future specialists in a higher agricultural educational institution;
modeling with the purpose of working out of special competences and skills of future professional activity with the help of methods of artificial intelligence; the information approach is directed to the formation of general compe- tences of the future specialist of the electrical engineering profile and envisages the ability of using modern com- puter technologies in the field of agro-industrial complex; the activity approach means the activity orientation of the educational process with the purpose of phased creation of conditions for activating the educational and cognitive
activity of students and the formation of the first professional activity experience of future specialists. Significant scientific possibilities of methodological approaches in studying and improving the educational
process of preparation of future specialists in higher agricultural educational institutions are noted.
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