• I.M. Piavka
  • M.M. Piavka
Keywords: musical pedagogical concept, absolute and relative (relative) solmization, folk and author music, singing, musical diploma


The article addresses the problem of the specifics and interrelationship of musical-aesthetic concepts and musical reality, their determination and self-determination in our time. The problems of sociocultural determination of mental-theoretical constructions in culture and art are indicated, it includes its inclusion in the sociocultural context, which is the interrelation of social, artistic and musical reality. Analyzed the specific nature of the musical-aesthetic concept as a theoretical construct, its relationship with social, artistic and musical reality. It is proved that it is the use of the conceptual modeling method applied to the social, artistic and musical reality that allows them to be substantiated into the model of the musical-aesthetic concept, “loaded” with the essential substantial characteristics of musical reality in the process of its genesis. Elements of a systemic and structural-functional interpretation applied to musical-aesthetic concepts as an operationalnormative component of the research method, allowing to build a system model of a musical-aesthetic concept with its structure and functions that represent the interrelation of social, artistic and musical reality. It is proved that the transcendence of musical reality causes the transcendence of the musical-aesthetic concept, in particular, as an idea, an ideological essence (or the essence of an idea as an ideal being). The dynamism of the musical-aesthetic concept at a certain historical period is the work of the musician. The musical-aestheticgenerating), direct determination through musical and artistic reality fits into the socio-cultural context of the socio-historical stage of social development. It is noted that the artistic and musical reality became the basis for the conceptual modeling of the musical-aesthetic concept, the creation of a model of the musical-aesthetic concept as a component of musical reality.
concept as a result of the musician’s creativity is an integral system, using its functions (project, stabilizing,


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