• I.V. Parkhomenko
Keywords: museums of educational establishment, historical type, inspections of the museum, out-ofschool establishments, North-East Ukraine


Today it is not only actual the process of updating the content and forms of working with children on the base of the museums, but also their legal status, coordination of the work and creating favorable conditions for development. Fault-finding attention of the authorities to the museums of historical type is caused by social needs for rec- reating the historical truth about World War II, contemporary and ancient history, necessity of honoring fighter for freedom of Ukraine of different historical epochs. The aim of the article is a research of the process of coordinating the activity of historical museums, which are managed by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, their registration and inspection, forming the
 egal framework, defining their role and place in the Ukrainian educational system in imitation of Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Sumy region. The article contains peculiarities of functioning of historical museum of the North-East region of Ukraine, which are managed by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Museums, which accumulate materials about prominent historical events, heroic figure, general development of the society and etc. refer to this type of museum. The author gives a description of the ways of the development the system of certain museums of the last decade, means of coordination their work, forming the legal framework, defining their role and place in the modern educational system The legal framework of the museums of educational establishment of historical type, objective reasons and factors of its reformation according to modern national and conceptual basis; legal documents about inspection the museums in 2001–2015 years in selected regions and Ukraine on the whole have been analyzed. The main trends of developing of the museums of the educational establishment with historical type have been determined. The author draws a conclusion about increasing the role of the museums of educational establishment of historical type in local lore work with children and proves objective necessity in increasing attention to these
processes from scientific community, local self-government, teachers and publicity.


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