• L.M. Petrenko
Keywords: Grigory Vashchenko, national upbringing, spiritual values, purpose of education, principles of education, educational ideal


This is the main thesis of the teacher’s heritage G. Vashchenko devoted a considerable part of his scientific works to the presentation of his views on the development of a system for educating young people. Its core is the theoretically grounded concept of the Ukrainian educational ideal. He is deeply rooted in the history of Ukrainian culture, and is based on the traditions of folk pedagogy, educational and upbringing experience,
customs and beliefs of the Ukrainian people, taking into account the age and ethno sociological characteristics of Ukrainian children. The scientist drew attention to the fact that the very knowledge of psychology for education is not enough. Pedagogy includes many important problems, which concentrate in two dimensions: the purpose of education and means of education. Equally, this applies to the upbringing of the will and character. On the one hand, the educator must clearly imagine what features of the psychological properties he wants to develop in the child. And for this purpose the teacher should have a landmark - the ideal of a volitional, characteristic personality. To solve the goal, the teacher must: firstly, have the necessary means of influencing the pupils; and secondly, the limits of the influence of the teacher on the pupil should be clearly defined. This question G. Vashchenko closely linked with the solution of the problem of freedom of will, the role of person and society in the spirit of Christianity.
He put the responsibility to parents for the physical health of the child before his or her birth, and for the formation of their moral values. G. Vashchenko believed that one of the central tasks of upbringing a child in the family was the foundation of the moral values of the child, the formation of the foundations of his or her moral behavior in his or her later life. First of all, parents in life should be a model, a standard for children.
Words must not be divergent, the atmosphere of harmony, love will raise children’s qualities such as kindness, compassion, willingness to help, do good deeds and lay the foundations for the development of children’s love for their native land, homeland, patriotism. G. Vashchenko distinguished the activities of youth organizations as a factor of strengthening the edu- cational influence on youth. He noted that the active cooperation of youth brings up the spirit of friendship, solidarity, discipline, mutual understanding, develops initiative in youth, courage, determination, ingenuity, creative approach to solving one or another problem. Such organizations should exist at each school under the guidance of experienced teachers, which would promote the education of young people in the love of the Motherland, and support its aspirations for the struggle for independence. Therefore, an important task for the school and society will be to raise the love of Ukrainians to Ukraine and their readiness to defend it. The urgency of this issue is obvious for solving the problems of national education and in the present conditions. Summing up the foregoing, we came to the conclusion that the educational system of the Ukrainian people has its own national, physical and psychological peculiarities and must create its national Ukrainian educa- tional ideal based on the principles of Christianity and pan-European culture. National education covers the six most important spheres of human life: morality, patriotism, civility, affinity, character, nature-consciousness. We believe that in the context of the development of statehood in Ukraine, pedagogical works, articles, and conclusions of G. Vashchenko on the development of the education and training of young people, his views on the requirements of national education are extremely relevant and useful, meet the requirements of mod- ern pedagogical thought regarding the reform of education in Ukraine, enrich the universal civilization and
deserve a deep study and implementation into practice.


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9. Про освіту : Закон України від 5 вересня 2017 р. № 2145-VIII / Верховна Рада України. URL: (дата звернення: 17.12.2018).