The article presents the historical review of the training of teachers of physical culture and sports in Austria in the 70s of the twentieth century. The peculiarities of the functioning and reformation of the system of secondary professional education of teaching staff in physical culture and sports in Austria during the 70s of the XX century were determined. The content of vocational education of teaching staff and physical culture
is described. It has been presented and described integrated training cycles. The volume of professional and theoretical training of future teachers of sports and physical culture in secondary professional schools of Austria is analyzed. The priorities of professional training of future teachers of sports and physical culture in secondary specialized schools, principles of organization of their activities have been determined as follow:
1. Orientation of education toward objective realities of sports and physical culture, diversity of professional tasks of specialists of these branches;
2. Scientific content and methods of education, their relationship with modern scientific knowledge, technical achievements;
3. Integrity and interdisciplinary as the basis for the formation of an integrated system of professional knowledge, skills and abilities;
4. The connection of theoretical and practical components, the presence of each of them throughout the period of training;
5. The sequence and stage of education, providing primarily the basic training and further specialization on its basis
So, this period in the history of the Austrian system of the training of physical education and sport teachers have been marked by a number of fundamental reforms. First of all, it is about its structural development. During a decade, a normative basis, which clearly defined the place, functions and tasks of this type of educational institution in the education system of Austria was adopted. High-level technical base for effective
school activity was created. These educational institutions activities contributed to meeting the needs of the society and the state in qualified specialists in physical education of children and youth for development of
school and extracurricular sports and physical education.
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