• I.V. Vlasova
Keywords: university autonomy, responsibility and accountability, academic freedom, diversification of higher education institutions, trends of higher education development


The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of the European Higher Education Area. The author finds out the characteristics and tendencies of the higher education reforming in European countries. The process components of the higher education system of Ukraine integration into the European Higher Education Area are described. They include formation of the commonwealth of leading European universities under the
auspices of the document “Magna Charta Universitatum”; the unification of higher education national systems into the European area with uniform requirements, criteria and standards. The key strategic documents that define the priorities of higher education contemporary development are:
“Magna Charta Universitatum” and «Sorbonne Joint Declaration on Harmonisation of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System»; Ministerial communiqués. “Magna Charta Universitatum” recognizes autonomy as a fundamental principle for universities. “Sorbonne Joint Declaration on Harmonisation of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System” aimed at harmonizing national higher education systems. The declaration was a confirmation of the importance and necessity of higher education further globalization. “Bologna Declaration” formed the basis for further reforming of the higher education system. The analysis of key strategic documents of the European Higher Education Area has shown the relevance of
university autonomy and mechanisms for its provision.


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