• N.R. Hrytsak
Keywords: reader’s activity, pre-communicative stage, fiction, educational process, reader culture of student-philologist


The article deals with the problem of intensification of reader’s interest of would-be teachers of the world literature. It has been observed the peculiarities of methodical approaches, concepts and theories for studying the problem of formation of active readership, and the various methods of development of readers’ skills, creation of interest in reading have been analyzed too. Intensive technological development, multicultural Internet space, digital technologies have been determined as the main factors of reading formula changing. We draw our attention to the problem of psychophysiological characteristic changing of modern youth who are in an intensive digital space. The concept of “reader culture of a student-philologist” has been emphasized. Basic, intermediate and advance levels of formation reader’s culture of the would-be teacher of world literature have been highlighted. It has been found out that the components of the reader’s culture of the would-be teacherphilologist are conceptual, emotional-value and pragmatic background which are interrelated and mutually interconnected. Pre-communicative stage is defined as significance in organization of student-philologist’s reader activity of. It has been demonstrated that methodically organized work on the pre-communicative stage of readership activates readers’ interest and attention to foreign literature. The process of intensification of reader’s interest of student-philologist involves purposive and systematic work. Proposed effective methods, types and forms of educational activity which promote the improvement of perception, analysis and interpretation of the foreign fiction have been defined. Among the effective methodical methods at this stage we have highlighted the following: the definition of the national-cultural environment; revealing the specifics of the national-historical context of the creation of fiction; disclosure of the context of creativity of the author;
writing a commentary on an artistic work; analysis of the elements of the artistic work.


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