• A.V. Pedorych
Keywords: project technology, project method, higher education institution, humanitarian disciplines


The article deals with one of the pressing and debatable problems of modern education, namely training in higher education institutions on the basis of project technology. The domestic and foreign experience in implementing of project technology in the educational process is analyzed. The experience of implementing of project training elements in educational institutions with specific learning conditions is developed. The timeliness and relevance of the research on writing a scientific article is substantiated. The target of this article is revealing of features in project technology implementation during studying of humanitarian disciplines in higher education institutions specific learning conditions. The analysis of the project technology implementation, stages of forming the design competence of future specialists were carried out. The list of directions for the project activity during the study of the educational discipline “Social pedagogy” is analyzed; the implementation of the project was carried out in three stages. Technological and pedagogical conditions and features during studying of separate educational discipline on the basis of project technology in higher education institutions are emphasized. Methods of students’ inclusion in project activity, ways of carrying out of projects and procedure of their achievements evaluation are developed. The conditions of the project technology application, requirements to the carried out project are
discussed. The criteria for evaluation of the project implementation and the criteria for evaluating of the direct project presentation by the student are covered. The combination model of traditional method with elements of project technology during studying of educational discipline “Social pedagogy” is described. The methodical component of the project technology implementation in higher education institutions is analyzed and methodical recommendations for teachers on its implementation are given. Conclusions and direction of further researching. The researching results showed that the undisputed advantages of the project technology of training can include a broad and a multifaceted interaction of participants during group work on executed projects, the formation of a creative style of thinking and diligence at all stages of the project activity. The result of the study showed that the following are improved: a) students’
researching skills; b) ability to work in a team; c) communicative skills.


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