The psychological mechanisms of mastering English vocabulary in the process of reading financial and economic texts have been investigated in the paper. Two forms of perception: oral and written have been recommended. It has been analyzed that the comprehension peculiarity of the financial and economic vocabulary that was perceived consists in comparing its new meanings with those already contained in human consciousness. The intellectual relationships that arise in the case a new vocabulary is enriched by the student is converted into mental structures that correspond to the logic of language and his/her professional activity. It has been suggested that memorization of perceived financial and economic vocabulary can be arbitrary and involuntary. It has been experimentally tested that arbitrary memorization is guaranteed by the achievement of a three-level mastering the lexical material, namely: the knowledge of isolated lexical units, the skills of their use in phrases and sentences, as well as the skills of their use in various types of educational and speech activities. It has been proved that involuntary memorization is achieved by repeating similar types of professional actions by means of a foreign language with the gradual shift of attention from the form of
performance of professional and speech actions to their preservation in memory.
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