The article conciders such ways of developing the cognitive and informational component of civic activity of university students: discussions and debates within the special course, the author's blog and public aware- ness events which are held by students who are members of the student government. The article goal is to highlight some of the methods used to form the cognitive-informational component of the student's civic activity. The cognitive-informational component of the student's civic activity includes: the basis of socio-psy- chological, economic, political, legal background, knowledge of the student’s rights and duties, learning the Ukrainians and world civilization cultural and historical achievements; respect for human rights and freedoms, civil society institutions, modern democracy norms and rules of, patriotism, tolerance. Also the level of cognitive-informational component of the students was rising during their participation in the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment and the preparation of various public-educational events for freshmen The public blog turned to be an effective way of forming the student's civic activity cognitive-informational component due to the fact that it corresponded to the way of information perception, which is inherent to mod- ern generation of students, which has much higher demand of information visualization and visual stimulation. It should be noted that at the pedagogical experiment beginning the level of the university students cognitive-infor- mational component of the civic activity was approximately the same in the control and experimental groups. The effectiveness of these methods is proved and the dynamics of the cognitive-informational component
of civic activity of university students before and after the applying of these methods are clearly illustrated.
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