It is generally knowledged that the presence of language in the established norms indicates a high level of its development. There is no objection that knowledge and observance of these norms is one of the basic requirements to a modern teacher. In the middle of a number of linguistic norms, spelling plays the prominent place. Surely, the thesis that knowing spelling rules and being able to apply them in writing is a universally accepted requirement for every modern person. In this context, the role of the elementary school teacher, which will lay the foundations for a competent letter of applicants for elementary education, will be special. The article raises the problem of spelling of future teachers of elementary school in the process of language training. The reasons of violations of spelling norms in the students' written language were determined and ways of improving the level of language education in accordance with modern requirements were determined too. The value of spelling competence in the context of formation of qualitative professional training of future specialists in the field of education is proved. The research applied theoretical and empirical methods. With the help of theoretical methods, analysis and synthesis of literature from linguistics, didactics and contemporary Ukrainian literary language have been carried out; analysis of state documents in the field of language education; analysis of the volume and content of textbooks and manuals of the Ukrainian language for students of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions; analysis of the writing of future specialists in the field of “Primary education”; analysis and synthesis of best practices of scientists, teachers of philological disciplines of pedagogical faculties of higher educational institutions. With the help of empirical methods, the diagnostic of students was conducted
(tests and a number of practical tasks are proposed).
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