• L.Ya. Biriuk
  • S.H. Pishun
Keywords: future teacher, culture, culturological approach, competence, personality, society, professional, specialist


In modern conditions, increasing the importance of the humanitarian component in the specialists’ training is determined: firstly, by the expansion of the intercultural interaction zone of societies, social groups and individuals; secondly, by the tendency to the rapid expansion of the communication capabilities of the national and global nature, creating a new type of world view, connected with forming the global human unity in its diversity; thirdly, by growing the importance of educational and communicative aspects. Culturological approach is a kind of platform, on the basis of which both the principle, the method, and the research position, when combined, form a certain gnoseological integrity. The core of the approach is, in fact, a certain research arrangement in relation to the object of study, subordinating the logic of understanding and evaluating the studied facts, phenomena or events, relating them to each other and with the surrounding reality in spatial and temporal coordinates. In this regard, the culturological approach serves as both the principle (logic) of studying the future specialists’ professional culture development during the course of educational process at the higher educational establishments, and the principle of the process construction. The process of developing specialists’ professional culture is shown: in historical terms, as a historical and pedagogical process, as a two-sided process of developing educational practice and pedagogical thought, on the one hand, and an integral part of the historical and cultural process, on the other hand, as a key element of the system of social society reproduction and the most important sphere of its existence at each stage of formational development. Individually, as a process of mastering a system of professional values it is distinguished by internal dynamism and has a clearly noticeable
axiological component and a subjective character. The implementation of a culturological approach will allow to solve the problem of the developing a professional culture of future specialists not only from a competent position, but also to fill it with
humanitarian content.


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