The article states that the development of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education in Ukraine is carried out in an era of fundamental changes in social life, in which the new ideas are developed and their new meanings are generated. In this regard, the professional development of physical training teachers in postgraduate pedagogical education should correspond to theoretical and practical transformations, where the indicated processes act as regulators, which ensure the intensification of their professional development. The article defines the modern tendencies of the development of the postgraduate pedagogical education system in Ukraine. It is determined that the set of tendencies of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, in which the professional development of physical training teachers is carried out, can be presented at the state, institutional and personal levels. It is indicated that the tendencies at the state level include: satisfaction of educational needs of various subjects of society; diversification of the system of postgraduate pedagogical education; implementation of the quality management education system and human resources management; sociocultural orientation of education. It is noted that the institutional level tendencies are represented by the intensification of the processes of knowledge acquisition; technologicalization and computerization of education; humanization of the educational process. At the personal level, trends are determined by the formation of professional competencies of the students, the orientation of the individual towards self-realization, the
orientation of education to the socialization of the individual.
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