Recently, at different levels teachers, parents, and scientists have talked about children’s reluctance to read the literature. So, in the context of school reform it is necessary to modernize the content of literary education and its structure, which is presented in the “Concept of Literary Education”, the current school curriculum. Such scientists as B. Stepanishin, E. Pasichnyk, N. Voloshin, V. Shulyar, G. Tokman, N. Gogol and others addressed the mentioned problem. It is important from the first year of a child’ life to awaken and develop her/his interest in the book, listening and comprehension of the sound of someone’s reading, and then independent reading. Reading environment is a group or community of people who have formed readership interests and systematically satisfy the need for reading. The features of a reader’s interest – selectivity, cognitive orientation, emotional expression, interest and curiosity. The circle of reading – a certain amount of books on different subjects and genres in accordance with the individual-age interests and the level of reading activity of representatives of a particular reader environment or specific reader. Reading culture is having the right reading activity and combination of such qualities of the student’s per- sonality, that reflect the level of his overall culture and value sphere. Overcoming the pupils’ indifference to reading as an educational and cognitive activity in modern condi- tions is a complex widespread process of family interaction, educators of pre-school educational institutions and teachers with pupil-readers, which will be effective provided the system is consistent.
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