• O.S. Synekop
Keywords: interdisciplinary approach, differentiated instruction, future IT-specialists, English for specific purposes, learning style, levels of foreign language proficiency


The discipline of English for specific purposes combines the content of different professional disciplines. In this regard, it becomes important to involve an interdisciplinary approach to differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes to the future specialists of information technology (IT). The interdisciplinary approach in the research is defined as a synthesis of the content of different cycles of professional disciplines with an English for specific purposes which is based 1) on the selection of professional materials and the ways of its realization with taking into account the individual features of the students in the learning process; 2) on the subordination of the goals of English for specific purposes, “zone of proximal development” of learners; 3) on the formation of English for specific purpose competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing as a result; 4) on the basis of the development of cognitive interest of students in professional activities and the improvement of English for specific purposes knowledge. The interdisciplinary links have various qualities and can be considered in the content and organizational aspects. Thus, the specific of differentiated instruction within its goals and results requires the adaptation and variation of the content to the level of knowledge of the foreign language (B1, B2), as well as language learning style of the future IT-specialists. The principle of synthesis of foreign language and professional disciplines, the principle of adaptability and the principle of interdisciplinary co-operation of the interdisciplinary approach are suggested. The technologies and the main assertions of the interdisciplinary approach are outlined.


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