• Y.G. Reva
Keywords: choreographic art, dance therapy, mental and physical health of a child, harmonious development, pedagogical activity


The article is about necessity of psyco-pedagogical attention to the problems of people psycophysical and emotional health saving. In order to get this difficult goal real, art of dance helps person to understand himself and leads to selfperfection. The dance is a merge of physical, psychological and esthetic activities. But the art of dance is also a therapeutic factor and its value is rising with developing of sangennic role of the art in modern life and in harmonization of Human-Universe relations. Functionality of dance art is quite wide. Thoughtful usage of dance impact leads to psychological and physical conditions stabilization and return of a person to harmonic life. Dance therapy is use of dance, plastic and rhythms for prophylactics and cure. So the objective of dance therapy is to establish a contact between a person and world. It could be done in parallel with language impact or without. Dance usage is based on the following: movement shows the person characteristics, its thoughts, mood, feelings, gained experience; combined elements of the movements make expressive dance with ability to self-expression. Dance therapy helps children to identify themselves and achieve better self-understanding. The objective of dance therapy is to destroy internal obstacles of child on its way to happiness and harmony. Also professional usage of dance therapy helps to stabilize child psychological condition and return it to normal life. That is why future dance teacher should pay attention to esthetic and therapeutic abilities of dance art and use them in their professional activities.


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