In the article according to the system approach were represented main factors of terminology formation of modern native didactics and mechanisms of their influence on the conceptual apparatus of the theory of education.
The main problems in modern pedagogical axiology are the lack of systematization of terms; ambiguity and heterogeneity of their interpretation; activation of “individual-author’s term production” – “nominating explosion” and the consequent reduction of clarity in the normative use of word-formation in the scientific context; Integrative connections of pedagogy with other sciences and growing irregularity of the process of interaction of terms; the desire to create a metamogue in connection with the creation of a single scientific space; the formation of the andragogical paradigm of education in contrast to the pedagogical; solving the problem of subjectivity in the modern branch of education.
In pedagogical studies it is possible to update the methodology by introducing other methods of research and extend the concept and terminology apparatus by borrowed terms, but with the condition – identification of the regularities of education and training of the individual and the factors that determine them, unambiguousness of terminology, correlation of the main (generic) term and its specific characteristics, systemic interrelationships between different thematic groups of terms, the classification of pedagogical disciplines, etc. General pedagogical preparation of the future teacher and methodology of scientific pedagogical research should be provided according to the canons of classical pedagogy within the framework of its categories and concepts.
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