• O.S. Synekop
Keywords: situational approach, communicative situations, problem situations, differentiated instruction, future IT-specialists, English for Specific Purposes, individual characteristics, learning style, level of foreign language proficiency


Developing a methodology for differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes to the future specialists in the information technology field (IT) involves the selection of approaches. Among the existing approaches, the situational approach occupies the leading position. It is the subject of the study in this article. The key concepts of the situational approach in our study are the communicative situation and the problem situation. The situational approach to differentiated instruction is based on the interconnection of internal and external factors of communication. The internal factors include the individual characteristics of the future IT-specialists, their level of foreign language proficiency, learning style, professional knowledge, skills and experience. The external factors are based on the parameters of the situation. The parameters, suggested by V. Karasik, include: 1) participants of communication; 2) the terms of communication; 3) organization of communication; 4) means of communication. They are described in the context of differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes to the IT-students. The author defines the principles of situational approach: 1) the principle of variability of communication and problem situations for differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes to the future specialists; 2) the principle of taking into account the connection of the internal and external factors of the situation of communication in differentiated instruction. In order to implement the situational approach, the technology of the development of creative personality and project technology are used as dominant ones. The basic assertions of situational approach are determined.


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