In the article we have discovered and theoretically substantiated the pedagogical approaches of forming the readiness of future teachers of physical culture for coaching activities in the game of sports. It has been determined that pedagogical approaches play a central role in the training of future teachers of physical culture for coaching activities in gaming sports, which serve as a methodological basis for the research and direct the future specialist to realize a certain set of interrelated goals in their activity in accordance with the requirements of the educational paradigm. The main approaches include competent, personally oriented, acmeological and activity. The competency approach, which integrates educational, developmental and educational tasks of vocational training, is characterized. The analysis of the professional training of future teachers of physical culture on the basis of a personally oriented approach, which involves the creation of educational situations that lead to the formation of a positive I-concept of coaching activity in gaming sports. A person-centered approach implies the fullness of the training of weighty, professionally necessary for students, issues relating to sports games. We believe that the acmeological approach in the process of professional training of future teachers of physical culture to the coaching activity in the game of sports will help to provide the right conditions for the creative development of the personality of the future specialist. It is proved that the first priority of the activity approach is the joint activity of students and teachers. The prospects for improving the readiness of future teachers of physical culture for the coaching activity on playing sports are outlined on the basis of practical testing of the effectiveness of the selected pedagogical approaches and their systematic introduction into the educational process of professional training of future teachers of physical culture for coaching activity.
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