• T.P. Spirina
Keywords: female servicemen, gender policy, gender equality, gender stereotypes, state


The gender policy of the state provides for the effective implementation of the gender approach to the vital functions of the troops to create guarantees of equal rights and opportunities of a person irrespective of his gender. Considerable attention is paid to the state’s observance of gender equality in all spheres of its activity for participation in national, political, economic, social and cultural development. The topic of gender research, as well as the role of women in modern society, is being actualized in Ukraine. The analysis covers a wide variety of aspects of the participation of women and men in different spheres of life, and especially the role of women in society, which is transformed in the light of the conflict in the East of Ukraine.

The right of females oldiers to choose a profession and the opportunity to realize themselves in the military servicein accordance with the existing professional level and education is realized. The effectiveness of the social self-realization of a female service man depends on the woman’s in nerde sire to realize her in this area and to take appropriate action to achieve her goal. The peculiarity of the present is that military servicemen-women are trained in combat specialties, which at first glance are not characteristic of women, and also realize themselves in the service and on traditionally “women’s” military positions of law yers, doctors, communications specialists, political scientists, psychologists, and others like that.

Equal opportunities for military servicemen for the possibility of developing a military career are one of the priorities in the field of human rights. Today, in most countries of the world, there is no doubt that, with equal training and equal treatment of women, female servicemen is as effective as men in military service, who are able to fulfill their professional duties, which are specific to military service.

The article deals with the problem of regulating gender relations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The problems of women in the army, the search for ways to solve them and the features of the career of a woman in a military organization are analyzed.


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