• H.M. Marynchenko
Keywords: information and communication technologies, distance education, webinar, teacher, Internet resources


Modern society is an informational society. To navigate in the information space, to identify correctly and use information, certain skills are necessary.

The formula of the New Ukrainian School defines: “The end-to-end application of information and communication technologies in the educational process and the management of educational institutions and the education system should be a tool to ensure the success of the new Ukrainian school. The introduction of ICT in education should move from one-time projects to a systematic process that covers all activities. ICT will significantly expand the capabilities of the teacher, optimize management processes, thus shaping technological competence of the student” (NUS Concept, 2017).

This study reveals the content of the webinar as a means of information and communication technology in educational activities. The works of scientists who considered the webinar as an element of distance learning or means of information and communication technology are analyzed.

The benefits of using webinars as an element of distance network learning have been clarified (Availability of time and place – webinars take place at a convenient evening, so you can participate in the evening after work; Actual information and exchange of experience – an opportunity to get subject knowledge from true professionals; participate in webinars is absolutely free. Feedback – the webinar allows you to address your questions to the lecturer both in writing and orally).

The analysis of Ukrainian educational projects that conduct webinars for teachers of webinars “Osnova”, “NaUrok”, “Prosvita”, “Vseosvita” is presented.


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