Keywords: training of future teachers, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, history of pedagogy, educational tendencies, higher pedagogical education


The article states the exceptional importance of the achievements of the Ukrainian higher pedagogicalschool for the training of modern teachers, in particular the Ukrainian language and literature. It is stated thatthe problem of training teachers of Ukrainian language and literature is widely represented in the domesticpedagogical discourse, but these works are mainly aimed at studying and generalizing the experience of trainingfuture teachers of Ukrainian language and literature by forming and/or developing relevant professional/professional competencies.Given the work of domestic scientists and documentary sources of normative and legal nature, an attemptwas made to generalize the practical experience of pedagogical education institutions in the 50s of the twentiethcentury. The chosen time period (mid-50s of the twentieth century), according to the author, is characterized bythe formation of a number of educational trends that were crucial for the development of higher pedagogical education in terms of teacher training in Ukrainian language and literature. The identified trends are assessedas negative and positive.The negative tendencies of the past include the total ideologization of the educational process, strict controlover education and ideological education of students; neglect of Ukrainian cultural heritage. However, it wasnoted that in general in pedagogical education positive tendencies were formed, among which: attention tocareer guidance work with the involvement of young people in pedagogical educational institutions; struggle forthe student contingent (although the means of this struggle were appropriate to the time); strengthening attentionto the practical training of future teachers and the formation of his readiness for extracurricular activities inthe chosen specialization; attentive attitude to the methodological support of the educational process and the desireto attract the best teachers. And, of course, the state’s concern for the material well-being of students, theirfood and medical care, etc., was positive. The author emphasizes that the positive trends were general innature, the training of highly qualified teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in Ukraine in the mid-50sof the twentieth century was not one of the priorities of the Soviet system of higher pedagogical education.


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