Keywords: inspector of secondary schools, mathematical culture, Scientific Society named after Taras Shevchenko, pedagogical activity, teacher, natural section, terminology commission, professional instructor


The content of V. Levitstky’s pedagogical activity is analyzed in the article, his place and role as a sincereyouth advisor and teacher of Lviv educational institutions, professor in the development of Ukrainian pedagogicalthought are determined. The process of the formation of the scientist’s pedagogical ideology is also characterized.It was found out that in 1890, as a student of Lviv University, he began his scientific work. The authorof the article pointed out that Volodymyr Levitsky, being in love with his favorite activity, was not satisfied onlywith his personal interest in mathematics, but tried to spread this curiosity among his students. In addition, itis noted that the aspects of higher mathematics, in particular differential equations and the theory of functionsof a complex variable were the range of his scientific and mathematical interests. The content of VolodymyrLevitsky’s scientific works and pedagogical ideas in the conditions of problematic use of the Ukrainian languageof the first half of the XX century in Ukraine during the Polish rule in Galicia and the domination of the USSR, the provisions of which are used not only by domestic but also foreign scientists. It is generalized that the scientistwas the author of the first scientific article on mathematics in Ukrainian, the editor of the first scientific journalof the natural sciences in Ukrainian, the first author of materials on Ukrainian terminology in mathematics,physics and chemistry, author of Ukrainian textbooks of mathematics, physics and physics. taught in the nameof Peter Mohyla, the founder, pedagogue and teacher of mathematics in Lviv educational institutions, but alsoan outstanding scientist-mathematician of Ukraine, in particular the West. The author of the article noted thatVolodymyr Levytsky lived a life full of pedagogical activity, during which he worked tirelessly and sincerelyin the field of the Ukrainian science and education, as well as the fact that the scientist was the first to raisemathematical culture on Ukrainian soil during his work in Galicia.


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