Keywords: boarding schools, orphanages, Transcarpathia, Hungary


The history of boarding schools’ formation and development in Ukraine in general and in Transcarpathia inparticular is an important source of pedagogical experience, the study, analysis and systematization of whichwill contribute to understanding of modern globalization in education and designing its future. Purpose is to fnd out the main trends in the boarding schools development and practice in Transcarpathiaduring the Second World War.Methods: bibliographical search is for the archival and library catalogs study, collections and descriptions;archival materials content analysis (orders government instructions); chronological is for determining the maintrends in the boarding schools’ development and practice in Transcarpathia in 1939–1944.Results. Transcarpathian lands territorial subordination to Hungary in 1939 led to a change inthe name of the region: instead of Subcarpathian Russia (during the period of Transcarpathian lands belongto the Czechoslovak Republic) Transcarpathian lands that returned to Hungary were called “Subcarpathia”.Childhood education and social protection were the the Podkarpackie Regent Commissioner’s responsibility,who appointed the principal of the Podkarpackie school district, and decisions on orphans and childrendeprived of parental care were the district orphanage courts’ responsibility. The Hungarian governmentorganized a number of humanitarian actions in the returned territories through the involvement of governmentorganizations “Hungarian for Hungarian” and the State League for the Protection of Children. With the beginningof hostilities, some boarding schools were subject to re-profiling: a separate structural unit of the MukachevoState Orphanage “Orphanage for the crippled” was reorganized into the therapeutic department of the hospitalin Mukachevo, and the educational building of the orphanage in Nad Sevlyush transferred to the useof the Hungarian army. The living and feeding conditions of pupils in boarding schools in Podkarpackie,and especially in orphanages (Greek-Catholic orphanage “Holy Family”) and family-type settlements havebecome more complicated. Constant changes in the pupils’ contingent, state orphanages employees’ placesof work have led to late and incorrect payment of salaries to teachers and support staff of boarding schools.Conclusions. The boarding schools practice in Transcarpathia in the period 1939–1944 is characterized bythe following trends: 1) boarding education curtailment in connection with the hostilities start, which reducedstaffing and reduced the level of material and technical support of the educational process in boarding schools;2) spreading the religious and public organizations influence (League for the Children’s Protection, “Levente”,“Hungarian for Hungarian”, etc.)


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