Keywords: camping, hiking, competitions in sports tourism, young athletes of tourism, motive for classes


The article considers the peculiarities of motivation of young tourists to engage in a variety of sports tourism. The low level of physical activity of youth stipulates the search for forms of involvement of children in various types of physical culture and sports. Teachers’ motives for classes have a significant impact on the improvement of physical culture and sports work and increase its effectiveness. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, it is defined that sports tourism develops in two interrelated but independent areas: the sports trips and the competitions in tourism. Sports trips are carried out in accordance with regulations. As most researchers note, such activities have a great potential in the upbringing and development of children. Competitions in sports tourism involve a unified comparison of skills and abilities to overcome natural (or artificial) obstacles passing distances of a certain complexity. It has recently been observed that young tourists, under the guidance of a teacher, specialize in a particular area of sports tourism, that in its turn means preparation and participation in competitions in tourism, or just prepare and take sports trips. The purpose of the article: to identify the characteristics of motivation of young tourists to engage in a variety of sports tourism. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, it is defined that the motivation to engage in various types of sports tourism depends on age, gender, type of higher nervous activity, experience of sports tourism. Children often prefer motives: enjoyment of activities, pleasant pastime, gaining of new knowledge, skills and abilities, development of physical qualities and also strengthening of health. Using the method of questionnaires, it is defined that the priorities of the motives of young tourists depend on the direction of sports tourism. The data confirmed the conclusions of scientists on the priority of motives, but young tourists, whose main activity is going camping, hiking, taking sport trips prefer the motive of aesthetic pleasure and thrills, whereas participants of sports competitions in tourism highlight the motive of physical perfection. In addition, the motives for communication, cognition, gaining of useful skills and knowledge are essential for the campers, while the participants of the competitions are in need of approval and increasing prestige of individual. In order to form a harmonious personality, the leaders of tourist clubs need to use different directions of sports tourism organizing classes.


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