The purpose of the research is to analyze the use of the Internet resources in distance learning of futureprofessionals in hotel and restaurant industry in higher educational establishments. Research objectivesare the following: to analyze the state of development of using Internet resources problem (IP) in distancelearning in higher education establishments, to systematize professionally oriented IP in distance learningof future specialists in hotel and restaurant industry. Methods. To clarify the concepts of “Internet resources”,“professionally oriented Internet resources” general scientific methodological approaches (system, competence)and abstract-logical methods, methods of analysis and synthesis were used. Results. We interpret the Internet resources as a set of integrated software and hardware means, as well as information intended for publicationon the World Wide Web, intext, graphics and multimedia forms. Information-factual and methodological basisof the research were domestic and foreign scientists’ publications, IP, results of author’s own research. Inthe course of the research, theoretical laboration of the problem of using Internet resources in the educationalprocess of higher education establishments is analyzed, the chart of Internet resources classification in distancelearning is compiled. Professionally oriented IP s in distance learning of future specialists in hotel and restaurantindustry are reviewed. Distance learning of these specialists is defined as a purpose fulprocess of interactionbetween a teacher (tutor) and a student, carried out at a distance, using computer technology, the contentof which is to form professional knowledge, skills, abilities of future hotel and restaurant professionals.Conclusions. Priority formal IP tools (an electronic textbook, a reference book, computer models, simulatorsand constructors, an electronic board, computer training programs, computer test systems) and informal(educational serials, movies, blogs) were studied.
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