Keywords: English professional dialogue-questioning, dialogic speech, complex of exercises, future doctor, international group, high-context culture, low-context culture, preparatory-orientational stage, structuralcommunicative stage, final (reflective) stage


The article considers a complex of exercises for teaching English professional dialogue-questioning to futuredoctors in international groups, defines the concept of “exercise”, analyses and systematises classificationsof exercises for teaching dialogic speech to students majoring in Medicine. It is indicated that the basis forthe formation of English professional competence of future doctors is the teaching of dialogue-questioning,since dialogic speech prevails in the everyday communication of medical professionals. It is determined thatduring the formation of English professional competence it is necessary to follow the sequence of acquisitionof language and speech skills. This principle is reflected in the organization and systematization of threestages during designing the complex of exercises, namely the preparatory-orientational stage, the structuralcommunicativestage, and the final (reflective) stage. It is also established that the context of cultures shouldbe taken into account when designing the complex of exercises for students of international groups, as divergences between high-context and low-context students at the levels of cultural, verbal, and nonverbalbehaviour can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts while performing English professional dialogicspeech tasks. The issue of the context of cultures has led to the designing the corresponding methodology forthe complex of exercises during teaching English professional dialogue-questioning to future doctors. It takesinto consideration the differences between representatives of high- and low-context cultures. An algorithmfor setting tasks for high-context and low-context students has been designed. It provides a more detailedtask formulation for representatives of high-context cultures in order to improve understanding of tasks by itsrepresentatives and optimize speed and quality of exercise completion. The above-noted methodology alsoinvolves placing a handout for high-context cultures after each exercise which specifies the rules of behaviourand communication when performing pair and group tasks in English for professional dialogic speech in orderto avoid difficulties during the exercise preparation.


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