Keywords: specialist in medicine, medical ethics, master’s degree, higher medical education in China, professional competence of doctor


The article examines the issue of teaching medical ethics in leading Chinese universities in the trainingof medical professionals and found that medical ethics courses for physicians are an innovation for Chinesemedical high schools. Due to different cultural traditions, researchers of Chinese medical ethics hold conflictingviews on the scientific importance and practical necessity of medical ethics and bioethics. The study foundthat medical ethics education in China has gradually adapted the experience of leading countries such asthe United States and the United Kingdom in teaching ethics. China is now in the process of discussinghow to develop its own traditional ethics in the context of globalization. It is established that in the programof masters in medicine the formation of ethical knowledge is a mandatory subject. The teaching of medicalethics takes place not only while studying in Chinese universities, but is a long-term lifelong process in whichthe student summarizes the results of their efforts, combining moral reflection, learning and leadership. Thearticle analyzes the methods and content of teaching medical ethics, which include relevant cultural, socialand personal development, and the education of masters in medicine at Chinese universities. Teaching ethics in medical universities is a relatively new area of medical education in China, ethics curriculahave different levels of development. In order to determine the peculiarities in the contents of curricula, teachingand learning methods, forms of evaluation and quality of teaching ethics in China, it was analyzed ethicaleducation in several leading medical universities in China: Wuhan University School of Medicine, GuangzhouMedical University and Peking University School of Medicine. In the process of scientific research onthe teaching of ethics in universities, it was found that medical ethics for some time was part of the mandatorycourse of disciplines, with a strong tendency to emphasize the correct ideological thinking of future physicians.


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